Jesteś tym, co widzisz.

You are, what you see.

O mnie I Bio

Beata Podwysocka (AFRP, AFIAP) pochodzi z Olsztyna. Ukończyła filologię polską na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu oraz filologię angielską w Wyższej Szkole Lingwistycznej w Częstochowie. 

W 2014 r. uzyskała tytuł Artysty Fotoklubu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (AFRP), a w 2015 r. prestiżowy tytuł Artiste Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (AFIAP).

Zawsze  pociągał ją  abstrakcjonizm, minimalizm i surrealizm. Świat, który pokazuje za pomocą obiektywu leży na skrzyżowaniu fotografii i sztuk plastycznych.  Artystka często odwołuje się w swoich obrazach do poezji zwyczajności i przemierza otaczający świat w poszukiwaniu codziennych krajobrazów, które następnie odsącza z kolorów, kształtów, faktur i wzorów.  Dzięki temu pozornie nudne i nieatrakcyjne obrazy zyskują status intrygujących, niezależnych bytów artystycznych. 

Począwszy od roku 2010 artystka bierze z powodzeniem czynny udział w konkursach fotograficznych, zarówno na arenie krajowej jak i międzynarodowej. Jej prace można było do tej pory oglądać na czterech wystawach indywidualnych, licznych wystawach zbiorowych oraz pokonkursowych zarówno w Polsce,  jak i za granicą.

Jej prace były wielokrotnie nagradzane i wyróżniane,  w konkursach “International  Photography Awards”, “PX3 Prix de la Photographie”,  “Black and White Magazine” oraz  na salonach FIAP.

Fotografie artystki znajdują się w prywatnych kolekcjach w Polsce, Wielkiej Brytanii, Belgii, Holandii, Francji, Danii, Estonii, Hongkongu, Singapurze, Nowej Zelandii, Katarze, Kanadzie i Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Artystka zaprasza także do wysłuchania reportażu radiowego Alicji Kulik z Radia Olsztyn, pt.: „Po drugiej stronie”, w którym opowiada o swojej drodze do fotografii.


Artist Statement

Beata Podwysocka (AFRP, AFIAP) comes from Olsztyn, Poland. She is a self-taught artist.

 Since 2010, the artist has been successfully taking  part in photo competitions, both nationally and internationally. Until now, her works have been presented at four individual exhibitions, numerous group and post-competition shows both in Poland and abroad.

In 2014 she obtained the title of the Artist of the Photoclub of the Republic of Poland (AFRP), and in 2015 the prestigious title of Artiste Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique (AFIAP).

The artist’s photographs are in private collections in Poland, Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Estonia, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, Qatar, New Zealand, Singapore and Hongkong.

”Beata’s work meets at the intersection of photography and fine art. Her photography is highly arresting, not only for its use of geometric shapes and lines, but also for its striking use of colours. Blending the line between graphic design, architecture and photography, her work captures an abstract, slightly surreal world, at once recognizable, but always from an unusual or unexpected point of view. Beata is drawn to the poetry of the ordinary – lampposts, wall-mounted security cameras, stairwells – all of which are transformed through her lens into abstract architectural beauty. She explores the world around her in search for scraps and patches of familiar landscape in order to isolate shapes, forms, colours and patterns and mould them into unique subjects in their own right. Individual pieces of reality are stitched and spliced together to make a patchwork of the surreal and fantastical. In scenes of snowbound landscapes or rolling dunes of sand, the real world is lifted and suspended, a world where the imagination takes over, where colour takes on grand form and the human subjects, trees or buildings at the centre of the scene become like minimalist staged vignettes on a flattened plane of washed-out tones and hues. Many of her photographs focus on vague and transient subjects, such as shadows or reflections. Elements of our world are frozen in that moment by her camera and take on new meaning; the intangible becomes permanent when captured in these new forms. Parallel worlds that mirror and reflect our own everyday reality can be glimpsed and made material. Beata’s camera provides us with the gateway to enter.”

Richard Kalman, contemporary photography curator at, founder of Crane Kalman Brighton Gallery

„Looking through Beata’s work I can see that has explored quite a few ideas. So I have decided to focus on her latest beautiful investigation which is based on the interaction between colour and architectural forms. Beata’s has cropped/zoomed/framed these photographs to blur the lines (metaphorically speaking) between abstraction and reality. These choices are not haphazard, nor are they ‘happy accidents’. They colours, the saturation, the placement, the details are all there for a reason. These are cognisant choices from an artist/photographer who’s practice is not merely about making a finished product. These are studies, obsessions, experiments that are looking further than what you see.”

Dario Illari, a member of Artfinder’s curatorial team, the founder of Jealous Gallery and Print Studio, London

You are also welcome to watch a short video in which Beata talks about her inspirations while hunting for wallscape images. Enjoy!

Prints are available at: